CrossFit GEO

CrossFit GEO

At CrossFit GEO we use the CrossFit methodology of training to elicit the best strength and conditioning results you will ever get. Using a variety of movements, and equipment, we work at an intensity that means you will achieve improvements across all facets of your fitness - strength, speed, power, endurance, stamina, flexibility, accuracy, balance, coordination & agility (check out for more info).

We are not an ordinary gym. We workout together in a group, and push each other to finish the task at hand. It could be swinging a kettlebell, or flipping a tyre, doing olympic lifting or some form of gymnastics. Every session is different. You will never get bored.

Sounds daunting? Don't be intimidated. Everyone can do a CrossFit workout. We just scale it up or down according to your level of fitness. As long as you are prepared to put the work in, you will see improvements in your health and fitness.

Stop making excuses! Come along for a free trial session and see why CrossFit is the best way to improve your life.
